I help you get comfortable in your own skin and make choosing better health a habit, without drastically changing your lifestyle today.

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Lifestyle Conditioning is a premium online training service that specializes in supporting behavior changes for a healthier, fitter lifestyle. We help people just like you to achieve sustainable change and transform their lives for the better. Connect with an experienced and qualified online trainer today!



You didn't stick to past training programs because they changed too much of your lifestyle too quickly. This caused friction with well-established routines, self-expectations, and usual rewards resulting in an increase in stress, frustration with self, and possibly even injury. This further caused you to fall off the tracks until a more "convenient" time leaving you worse off than before and feeling like you've failed...again.

Instead of the yo-yo lifestyle, we incorporate healthier routines into your already established routines a little at a time in order to reduce the typical friction associated with something like choosing to be healthier always comes with.

This is called Lifestyle Conditioning and it pairs behavior change psychology with proven exercise science principles to help guide you towards gradual, maintainable progress.


I loved my experience training with Bryce!  I already had some experience with strength training, and Bryce helped me take my workouts to the next level.  He taught me some specific exercises I had been wanting to learn for awhile, and he worked closely with me to make sure I was executing them with proper form.  I feel so empowered after getting his feedback and encouragement and knowing that I have a much better understanding about where I want to go with my training and how to get there.  I loved the flexibility of working with him in person one day a week and interacting with him through the app for the rest of my workouts each week--it definitely worked with my busy schedule!!!  Bryce has been great at customizing a training plan based on my goals, abilities, and preferences, and I highly recommend him to anyone whether it's a beginner or someone looking to go to the next level!!!

Emily J. [busy mom of 4 kiddos]

"I didn't have any reservations initially working with Bryce. I just had a little doubt in my ability to stick to a program. Bryce does a good job of changing up exercises to keep things from going stale and his positive attitude along with the relationship we've developed makes me want to continue. My initial goals were to lose weight and get in better shape. Since training with Bryce, I've lost 20 pounds, have better stamina, and am able to recover faster."

Joe B. [traveling information systems professional]

"When I first started, my top goals were strengthening for injury prevention and toning up. All I can say is, have you seen my a$$? I definitely feel stronger and can tell a difference in my figure; I feel like my legs and my butt are much more toned. I have been super pleased!"

Amanda S. DPT, COMT [Physical Therapist, Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist]

"I am wearing clothes I have not worn in 2 years.
I have more energy. My husband loves my increase energy.
I am sleeping better.
I am more alert doing the day.
I have also notice I don't have as many headaches and body aches as I use to have."

Ossie T. [53 year old female after 4 weeks of training]

"... I actually feel slimmer. I don't have that uncomfortable-in-my-own-skin feeling anymore."

Taryn S. [28 year old female who wanted to get stronger]

train for your life

Lifestyle Conditioning is the maintainable, habit forming approach to help upgrade your health and fitness for the long haul.


Set yourself up for success! To make a lasting change, you will need accountability and systems in place to help guide you on the path towards the healthy lifestyle you're chasing. That's what I'm here for. Your success is my success.

Life is full of interruptions. Other people's priorities jump ahead of our own because it's so much easier to let ourselves down than to inconvenience someone else.

A busy life shouldn't be an unhealthy one and it's possible to incorporate both fitness and proper nutrition without the typical frustration that can sometimes go along with short-lived resolutions to "get healthy", "lose fat", and "get stronger".

[FITNESS] Imagine...

  • Not being mystified by the gym

    Have you ever walked in to a gym, been overwhelmed with the options and flashy machines, and went straight to the treadmill because that was all you were comfortable with?

    Walk in with confidence knowing exactly what you need to be doing and how to modify the workout if certain equipment is unavailable.

  • Being Confident

    It’s a special feeling to know what you are physically capable of and being able to apply that physical and mental strength in your daily life.

  • Not being limited by your physical ability

    Play with your kids or grandkids! Get on the floor and wrestle! Snag the frisbee in a pick-up game of Ultimate! Climb a tree! Being physically capable allows you to experience life more fully which leads you to being the best version of yourself!

[NUTRITION] Imagine...

  • Not having to count calories

    Implement foundational nutrition principles and never look at calories the same!

  • Being tuned in to what your body needs

    Your body is a complex, amazingly adaptable organism. Stop reading about the latest fad diet and listen to your body and how it responds to food.

  • Never again going on a diet

    By learning the principles of well-rounded nutrition, diets become a thing of the past that will no longer haunt you!

  • Exploring new foods

    There are delicious foods out there that speak your body’s language. If your liver speaks French, but you only give it a diet of German, you miss out on some amazing benefits of a well rounded diet that leads to a better quality of life!

The solution is a habit-based, hybrid model of coaching

Combine in-person sessions with online training software for a more economical and efficient way to kickstart a healthier, fitter lifestyle that serves as the extra support, accountability, and guidance outside of the gym (where it's so easy to fall of the tracks).

So how does it work?

Whatever your goals may be, it all starts with the Consultation. Once you fill out the Interest Form at the top of the page or the more in-depth Consultation Form at the bottom of the page, I will review your responses and contact you within 24 hours to review the responses to fill in any blanks and then move on to discussing how your unique program might look if we are a good fit for one another.

  • In-depth consultation 
    • Lifestyle variables
    • Motivators
    • Obstacles
    • Past training history
  • Customized online coaching
    • Programming for your specific goal in performance/appearance/mentality
    • Exercises and nutrition scaled to fit your needs, strengths, and weaknesses
    • Habit coaching to help blend it all together
  • 1-on-1 sessions only when necessary
    • Once you learn how to move properly, we only need to see each other to learn new movements or continue tweaking some of the more complicated movements
  • Training provided through the easy to use smartphone/desktop training app
  • Progress tracking and video tutorials
  • Communication with your dedicated fitness and nutrition coach for all the support and advice you might need

Accountability & Support

Can you figure out how to do things on your own? Absolutely. But the benefit of going through formal education is that you are taught the proper sequence of knowledge. Imagine being in a room full of math books, having no prior math education, and you were told to "learn math". Do you start with calculus? Physics? Algebra? Math can be hard enough, but not knowing what needs to be learned first and it's almost impossible!

Let me help find the proper sequence that gets you to a healthier, happier, more capable version of yourself without as much of the headache.

Let me be your filter for what is fake and what is backed by research. If I don't know the answer, I know where to find it and have access to the most up to date research through the NSCA (National Strength & Conditioning Association), the world-leading membership organization for thousands of elite strength coaches, personal trainers and dedicated researchers and educators. I also have access to one of the top nutrition coaching organizations in the world, Precision Nutrition.

I can help you stay on track and be consistent on your own time since we do not always have to have our schedules lined up perfectly.

Depending on the level of support needed and your motivation level, check-ins and feedback can be every week or even every month. Knowing that someone is actively keeping track of your progress for every scheduled workout helps keep you on track. If you miss a workout, it's not the end of the world, but you can bet I'll be asking how you are doing and if adjustments need to be made to your program to help you achieve your goals!

About Me - Bryce Berry, CSCS, Pn1, OTC

  • Bachelor's degree from the University of Memphis in Exercise Science with a concentration in Health and Human Performance
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified (Pn1)
  • Reflexive Performance Reset Certified (RPR Level 1)
  • Certified Online Trainer (OTC)
  • Methods used to help you reach your goal are based off of research supported principles
  • Husband (9 years going strong) and father to the Three Missketeers (3 daughters)
  • Click Here to find out more



Take one small step closer to upgrade your lifestyle...

Click the button for the full Consultation Form and I will contact you within 24 hours to go over your responses and see if we are a good fit for each other.

Hope to hear from you soon!
Consultation Form

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